Confabulation is to make up fables in order to fill the gaps in memories, which occurs in some particular situations. 

It is a patchwork of sorts.

It is only natural that a conjurer of confabulation must be called a confabler,  even if it is not an actual word. But what even is real?

We have been programmed for imagination, and to move way beyond the reality that cloaks us.

Everything we imagine is real. And everything real is imaginary. 

This is my own world of writing, and art: both traditional and digital. I hope you enjoy your visit. I welcome all forms of  constructive feedback. Thank you for your time. 

– Jia 



32 thoughts on “About

  1. Paul says:

    Hi Confabler, I’m truly happy and honored that you visited my blog. Thank you so much.

    Your “about” page is absolutely wonderful. I’m glad to have met you, and your posts are the sort of thing I love–very creative and insightful. I look forward to hearing more from you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. confabler says:

      Thank you Paul.
      It was my pleasure. You have created a wonderful virtual haven yourself. I enjoyed the visit and will be looking forward to following your posts.
      Please feel free to call me Jia.
      Have a happy day. 🐦

      Liked by 1 person

  2. quaintmurmurs says:

    I am so glad you visited my blog and I got a chance to read yours. You’re a wonderful writer and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts I read. I very soon intend to read all your posts. And great to know a fellow Doctor! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. confabler says:

      Same here. Thank you!
      I’m on a bit of a hiatus till May exams. I’ll be sure to read all your posts when I return.
      There are many more doctors out here. I am friends with a few of them. Some of them are our age– UGs and residency level.


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